Sunday, September 30, 2012

I wish someone told me

The Milky Way as photographed from the Earth

They're laid to rest,
before they've known just what to do
their souls are lost
because they could never find
What's this life for?

I wish someone told me the true meaning of life. Someone who disclosed the truth behind this entire Universe. I wish someone came and told me about how and why all the celestial bodies are there and what is the reason behind all of it. I wish someone told me about the origin of Humans, about other life forms living on other planets. 

In our day-to-day lives, we usually tend to forget and take our presence on this planet Earth for granted. We get so tied down by all the materialistic desires and emotions that we don't even stop for a moment to ponder on these thoughts. We humans should never forget, that in the grand scheme of things, we are just another planet, a minuscule dot on the Universe. And yet, we still take pride in our superior intelligence, our wealth and our comfortable lives, without giving a thought to the true purpose of a human's life. We fail to realize and accept one simple fact and that is - almost everything, all ego, power, position, wealth, status, emotions and possessions, these things just fall away in the face of the fact that everything in this world is susceptible to change. All things in this Universe are subjected to constant metamorphosis and are eternally in a state of constant flux; which actually indicates birth and death. Both birth and death define the Universe- everything from galaxies to stars to planets to animals to humans, has to be born and die at some point of time.
Why do I say so? 
Part of this is due to a great science fiction writer by the name of Arthur C Clarke who had this to say in the foreword of his epic masterpiece, 2001 a space odyssey :

"Since the dawn of time, a hundred billion human beings have walked the planet earth. Now, this is an interesting number, for by a curious coincidence there are approximately a hundred billion stars in our local universe, the Milky way.
So, for every man who has ever lived, in this universe there shines a star.
But every one of those stars is a sun, often far more brilliant and glorious than the small, nearby star we call the Sun. And many-perhaps most- of those alien suns have planets circling them. 
So, almost certainly there is enough land in the sky to every member of the human species, back to the first ape man, his own private, world-sized heaven- or hell.
How many of those potential heavens and hells are are now inhabited and by what manner of creatures, we have no way of guessing; the very nearest are a million times farther away from Mars or Venus. "

Yes, these words do make us uncomfortable and give us goosebumps. Of course there are many theories about the origins of the universe and the evolution of man. There are religious scriptures, artifacts, philosophical hypotheses, weird Mayan predictions, scientific analysis and many more. All of these are quite accurate, valid and seem quite convincing. It would be wrong to reject one line of thought and accept another one. However, there are two words which brings all these lines or thoughts to a crossroad or a junction. 


Suppose, the person whom I spoke of in the beginning of this post came and told me that the world and this life as we know it, all of it is a lie/hoax. What if some alien life form taught us how to live on Earth? What if we are all just pawns in a chessboard and there is a player out there who is watching this chessboard, making its moves every now and then? What if we're just few samples in a petri dish for a scientist of another species who's just testing out various possibilities? 

No one knows the answers and the possibilities are endless. However, it is essential to know the truths which have such far-reaching consequences. And so the answers need to come from a life form which is more than a human, a supreme power
I wish someone told me- the ultimate truth, about the Universe.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda


  1. J, I must say that this is a nice effort. However, don't you feel that this universe, world, life and so on are far greater subjects to ponder upon? We don't know about our relatives, neighbors, society, city, state, country but we talk about the UNIVERSE...
    Another thing that i want to highlight is that your words are effective enough to capture somebody.. You don't need to highlight the phrases in pink... Blogs are thoughts... You don't get thoughts in colors...
    Anyways, its your style. I just wanted to give my feedback coz i want you to write and write really good... No offences.. :)

    1. Thank you Deepanshu for the feedback.
      Firstly, the title of the post speaks of 'wish' and wishes can be anything. In addition to that, think about the topic a little bit, discerning your place in the universe, is it wrong to do that? If the universe seems absurd to you, then what good will knowing about all those other things do?
      Secondly, thoughts, dreams, intuition and flashes of foresight, all come in true colors even sharper than the most accurate digital imaging we know; such is the power of the human mind.
      Keep visiting Deepanshu :)

  2. This is an absolutely enthralling article my friend. You poked slumbering curiosities in me. Ones I lived with since childhood but gave up upon being consumed by mundaneness of life.

    I loved the mystique running through the whole narration. It's what kept me glued.

    Thank You for sharing this.

    By the way I love your colourful writing style. It brings a certain joviality to your message, unlike a school text book written in mono. Just my opinion.

    Keep writing they way you do.

    1. Firstly, thank you very much Anupam for your feedback and your words of encouragement.
      I am glad that the post probed deep into the recesses of your mind and that you didn't find the message or the post mundane.
      Keep visiting Anupam :)

  3. I must say you have a brilliant art of communication about your clear ideology.

    Somehow we feel its the secret, and someway no secret any more..and its just a science. There are infinite, endless thoughts about life, Universe, birth, death, body, soul etc.

    well, i liked the post very much and the way you draft it is also very good and simpler, easier to understand.

    keep sharing :)

    1. Thank you very much Nirali :)
      Yes, the more we think about it, the more is starts to reveal itself, the secret of life.
      Keep visiting :)

  4. hey i dunno bt ds post sumhw reminded me of d 2012 flick Prometheus, n sumwht a lil of d cabin in d woods :) ... hmm a thot worth ponderin upon aftral..a break frm d mundane ;)

    1. Thank you Aprajita :)
      Haven't seen the movie though, I guess now I'll have to watch it :)
      Glad it brightened up your mood and your day as well :D
      Keep visiting :)

  5. Really great words! i agree with deepanshu these things are far to ponder upon, yet i would say it's a matter of actualization; u may keep stuck becoming social animal knowing ur neburs, city etc etc.. Or u may work for ur betterment, choice is completely urs!

    Well ur highlights dipicts ur thoughts better for readrs as words dont express feeling, indeed.

    Good what if analysis.

    Well dats a great job Mr. J. keep it up!

    1. Thank you very much Rahul, for the feedback :)
      You have correctly pointed out that working for our betterment is an essential goal in our lives.
      Keep visiting :)

    2. its always a pleasure to read intellectual post intriguing and informatiive..u really do a grt deal of research...:)

    3. Your words of encouragement & feedback are always welcome Saikat :)
      Thank you & keep visiting :D

  6. Replies
    1. Welcome to my blog Afshan and thank you for your feedback and warmth. :)
      Keep visiting :D

  7. My first visit to your blog.I just loved the way you have included my favorite subjects philosophy & astronomy in your post & tied them up so interestingly.

    1. Welcome to my blog Indu and I am glad you liked the themes and the style of writing.
      Even I have interest in both these aspects and the mystic aura which surrounds them.
      Keep visiting Indu :)

  8. Hi,

    I totally relate to this post. I have been there and done that.
    All the best :D

    1. Thank you very much Ghazala :)
      Yes, it is indeed an intriguing topic which is sure to erupt in everyone's minds sometime or the other.
      Keep visiting :)

  9. Just a suggestion I would give, if you really interested in making answers to all your questions out there, Read the teachings of Upanishads & Vedas we Indians possess, it's available over the Internet. What Americans are researching about the Universe & stuff our people knew long time back. Our rich cultural heritage answers with much more intensity & viable logic than any one ever can. I know it sounds a little off track but I have gone through them & in the end you would really agree with me :) Thanks for sharing, take care friend

    1. Thank you Tanya for dropping by and giving your feedback :)
      Yes, you are right, the scriptures do hold quite a sea of knowledge concerning these aspects. I have heard about it and plan to go through these scripts myself some time soon.
      Thank you for the suggestion :)

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