Although we're discussing only a single letter but history is testimony to the fact that a lot of the events have occurred as a result of
. Many kingdoms have risen and simultaneously fallen as a result of this 'I'. Many inventions and discoveries made. Many battles fought as result of it. It is a very powerful symbol which mainly denotes the level of ego in a person, the level which could then be used for the betterment or degradation of humanity and self.
I denotes passion, anger, power, authority, control, opinions, thoughts and other emotions. However, 'I' doesn't always denote
negativity but also blooms in the
gardens of positiveness.
Every human being speaks about themselves when they use I. However, there is a minimum threshold limit beyond which, once crossed, the person's ego starts to take control. Then, things start taking the stubborn route, the immovable and the unstoppable. Once on this route, the mind can start behaving quite strangely.
However, at this juncture, focus your attention to the letter 'I' itself, the structure and geometry of the letter and apply some thought as to why it has been made so. Have a look at the I which is present at the start of the post. Basically, there are 3 (three) lines which make up the letter 'I'.
Two lines at the top and bottom and one central line in the centre.
Now, the central line can be assumed to be the thinking/rationale/logic of the person. This is how a person thinks about the environment in which he/she is thriving in. This is the decision making line of the person and defines how a person's mind works but this is where the catch lies.
A person's thinking can never be completely objective in nature. It is almost like an ideal case scenario. There is always the presence of some extra stuff, in the form of emotions, feelings, the intangibles basically. This is where we hit the barriers to our thinking capability which is in the form of the two lines present at the top and the bottom. Here is where we come face-to-face with the concept of 'Bounded Rationality'. Simply put, the central line of thinking capacity is always flanked by these barriers at both the ends.
The gap between the two lines at top and bottom can be different for different individuals as shown in the figure.
To remove these barriers to thinking, we can have 3 (three) possibilities and they are shown in the 3 figures below:
* In the first image, we see that the barriers have been
removed completely. However, we are then talking of a completely ideal case which is not actually present in reality. Our thoughts are usually crowded by such barriers during thinking. Through meditation and restraint of worldly emotions if we somehow conquer these barriers, then our mind reaches the zenith of its thinking capacity.
* This is true in the case of only removing either the top or bottom barrier.
* In the second image, the line of thought itself is changed. One line of thought breaks up into 4 (four) lines to symbolize the
change in perspective in order to negotiate the barriers. It is almost similar to first image but requires a complete change of thought in such a manner that there is no barrier encountered after this change. This is also quite a difficult scenario to achieve but can be done.
* In the third image, the barriers are very much there but the person learns to widen the gap between the top and bottom line. This way, whenever the person encounters such a barrier, he/she is able to use logic to delay the barrier to a later stage. This process keeps continuing and as a result the gap keeps increasing indicating that the person has been able to
successfully synchronize his/her thinking with the barriers. To the extent that these barriers become merely milestones in their lives
The important part is to embrace the power of 'I' and
acknowledge the barriers which it presents. Because the 'I' which can destroy a city half-way across the world is the same as the one which can create a nursery with children happily playing in them, its all about perspective.
On a parting note, 'I' leave you with the words of another great 'I', Abraham Lincoln:
"Am I not destroying my enemies, when I make friends of them."